I passionately believe, that the secret ingredient to sustainable success is Emotional Freedom.


“The Respected Salesperson suggest a truth for us all - that we are all in relationships and whether we think it or not, we are all in sales. Arishma elegantly weaves her own sales story throughout the book as she offers profound insights and more importantly, practical techniques, for us to thrive. Whether you are in traditional sales or just engaging every day in social transactions, this book is a goldmine of treasures to enhance those relationships. This is worth your time!"

Dr Peta Stapleton

Clinical Psychologist, Associate Professor Bond University

“What is that special something that makes one salesperson wildly successful while others who work twice as hard wonder what they are missing? Clearly, it's not just about working harder. In this powerful book, author Arishma Singh offers a personal and insightful perspective about how to THRIVE in sales by offering a transformative method designed for anyone in the sales field that is ready to observe their inner game and tap into powerful results.”

Dr. Craig Weiner

Director, EFT Tapping Training Institute

“As a previous Sales Manager and now with a career as a Psychotherapist, I found Arishma's book fascinating and accessible. Anyone in sales with a desire to build their confidence, clarity and self-respect should read this book.”

Barry Lewis

Gestalt Therapist

“As a sales leader looking for ways to enhance team performance you’re often focusing on repetitive sales training and old school fixes. Most sales tuition or training is typically focused on buyer persona or sales process/methodology. Arishma has taken a different approach by providing honest and powerful self-reflection coupled with tools and techniques to support you to take control of your emotions, mindset and ultimately your performance."

Daniel Drake

Sales Director, Experian

"While this book is called The Respected Salesperson, it is not only for salespeople. Anyone and everyone who reads this book will come away with a better sense of self and practical advice on how to live a fuller life. Arishma is generous with her life story and does not shy away from speaking her truth even through her trauma. Bravo. I could not put this book down."

Adrienne Tam

Editor and Writer

“I was kind of blown away. A highly researched book - It was an excellent mix of factual learning, real life examples and with exercises. An excellent tutorial framework has been provided to those that wish to dig and learn about themselves. As a Founder, an Executive Search Recruiter of Senior sales roles and with over 20 years of experience within the industry, I have interviewed and recruited different personality types. I highly recommend The Respected Salesperson for anyone that wishes to change their sales game!”

Richard Beattie,

Founder | Director, Jenkin Beattie Recruitment

“Whether you are just starting out in sales or a veteran in need of a reset – The Respected Salesperson provides the reader with an excellent sales foundation focused on a healthy mindset paired with a number of tools to overcome not only sales challenges but some of life’s adversities as well. The author skilfully weaves her emotive journey into the narrative to bring an authentic and well-thought-out sales philosophy to life."

Angus Leech

Australian Radio Network, National Agency Sales Director

“The Respected Salesperson is a refreshing view of the sales environment and the various challenges it presents. Incorporating the science of proven techniques such as EFT into strategies and processes to become a high performing sales representative is captivating. I highly recommend including this book into your sales reading hit list as an insightful alternative to help you THRIVE.”

Jared Smith

Account Director (USA, UK and LATAM), Benchmark Estimating Software

“As the world grapples with increased levels of stress in both our personal and professional lives we seek answers and solutions. Here is a set of solutions that when followed will make a life defining change to those looking to up their sales game and stay true to themselves."

Jodie Spiteri-James

Professional Development Manager, Australian Society of Authors

“Get ready to Thrive! From the first page to the last, Arishma had me absolutely captivated with her very deep, private, and open stories related to "Sales". The Respected Salesperson encourages its reader to challenge their own biases and deeply reflect on their true measure of success as a Salesperson. It then takes you on a transformational adventure, by sharing techniques like EFT and Thrive in depth, which I can't wait to apply myself to everyday situations. This book is game changing, and I highly recommend it to anyone in sales, looking to really unlock their true potential."

Deepa Adhav

Organisational Project & Change Manager

“As a business owner and entrepreneur, I have always had professional salespeople in my team and considered the “always up” personality of the high performers was their true self, and their constant need for affirmation was just part of what it took to keep them on “the up”. The tools offered by Arishma in this book are not just for salespeople to help them gain control over all of their sales relationships, (including their manager), and build respect in all aspects of their life, but anyone with a desire to thrive in their chosen career."

Pip Youngman

Founder/CEO , Pivot Software | Founder, My Village Community | Head of Market, PeopleStrong

“Reading this book has helped me to understand the importance of self-belief and respect in a way which I’d never fully considered before. Most salespeople refer to their profession as a ‘confidence game’. However, the firsthand stories and practical applications of techniques within this book will mean that anyone looking to elevate their careers further will have ample amounts of not just the ‘why’, but also the how. I strongly recommend this book to all who are seeking a new way to achieve success in sales."

Nathan Pickering

Head of Sales and Partnerships, Experian

"As a Sales Leader, I have read, practiced and preached various sales practices, processes and philosophies popularised over the last 30 years. I found Arishma Singh’s The Repeated Salesperson to be a refreshingly holistic approach to achieving sales success and understanding your high-performance drivers and detractors. Arishma dives into the interplay between our Thoughts, Habits, Reasons, Instincts, Values and Emotions or the THRIVE model to share her deeply personal journey to success with practical tools to harness your true potential. I have witnessed the power of truly understanding your limiting beliefs, tapping into your gut instincts, values and resilience to build world class sales performance and teams. If you want to succeed and develop the mindset to thrive in today’s competitive environment, then I cannot more highly recommend the Respected Salesperson."

Dawn Tingwell

Seasoned Sales Leader

“Sales books I’ve previously been exposed to focus on methodologies, qualification and scripting however, Arishma’s book brings a unique and refreshing perspective which gets to the heart of what really underpins ongoing sales success; our thinking. The book provides practical exercises to both identify and address blockers, minimise stress and hone our mindset to thrive as sales professionals.”

Dean McIntosh

Enterprise Software Account Exec, Appian

“New perspectives on managing your energy and attitude in the high-pressure world of sales."

Mark Swain

Author - No Sales No Sleep

“I found Arishma’s book to be a fascinating and at times personal perspective on achieving sustainable sales success. This book would be thought-provoking for anyone in a sales environment seeking to build their confidence, belief and self-respect?”

Jeremy Cashman

Sales Director, Look Who’s Charging

“Sales has always felt like a dirty word for me and a bit of an uphill struggle. After reading Arishma’s insightful book I have completely changed the way I think about sales. I know that this mindset shift will make all the difference to my success. I love the way The Respected Salesperson presents the THRIVE Methodology to give readers the confidence in getting out of their own way when selling their products/services to those who will benefit from them."

Monica Rosenfeld

Founder, inCredible Communicatio & Keynote Speaker

“This book is a captivating read that combines personal experiences with techniques and tactics for self-discovery and development, backed by science and research. Simple and easy to follow, a perfect guide for sales professionals of any experience level to discover their potential, command respect and thrive being the best version of themselves."

Dinny Mohandas

Manager - Analytics, Ernst & Young Asia Pacific

“All of us are in sales” - one of the great leaders I previously worked with used to say this almost during every All-Hands call. The Respected Salesperson provides a fresh perspective how we can fully live our life personally and professionally. Arishma unlike traditional sales skills looks inwards and emphasis on self-reflection, potential realisation and channelling energy to thrive in sales (life really) using behavioural science. Highly recommended read for anyone who wishes to overcome perception challenges and achieve their full potential.”

Akshay Koul

Principal Industry Architect - Financial Services, Salesforce

“Arishma's ability to paint a vivid picture of the psychology of sales is second to none. The scenarios described resonated deeply with me and offered a strategy to navigate these in a professional capacity and, perhaps more importantly, on a personal/internal level. A well-thought-out piece of literature, it is a thought-provoking book offering insight and actionable intelligence that will undoubtedly make any sales professional all the better for having read it. Highly recommend."

Jonathan Coleman

Sales Manager, First AML, UK

"An interesting read. The Respected Salesperson gives insight into one of oldest professions in the world. Not only does Arishma seek to help you understand the sales industry’s perception, but she also offers useful and practical aides to help you begin a journey of self-improvement. I challenge all readers to embrace Arishma’s known and sometimes unconventional methods to help you to become the best thriving version of yourself. This book is your own personal cheer leader coupled with a dose of reality and will leave you asking yourself the question: If I can’t respect myself, how are am I going to get others to do the same?"

Kim Gemell

Director - Sales Strategy, KPMG

“If you wish to THRIVE as a high-performing salesperson and a well-respected leader, achieve this with less burnout, all while understanding your why, your value system, and your worth, then this book is for you. Knowing Arishma personally, Arishma walks the talk of all that is written in this book. Her development of the THRIVE methodology provokes you to reflect on your approach in your role, and as a leader. I look forward to developing a practice through Arishma’s methodology which will allow me to explore my true potential."

Christine Atencia

Financial Adviser

“Arishma delivers the soul that every Sales career needs to THRIVE. She gently places a mirror in front of you and encourages you to seek everything that isn’t seen. With a delightful blend of relatable stories, insights from legends and exercises to step inside yourself, it’s a must read for humans who want to take a fresh look at their career."

Alison Kennedy

Consulting Director, Insight Alley Pty Ltd

“"Having worked in various media and tech sales roles for the last 16 years, I’ve read many books which focus on the sales process itself rather than the mindset to become successful. This book traverses the two areas seamlessly and offers exercises to help you practise the mindful skills that give you the fundamental mindset strength and tools required to make anyone successful not just in your career but in life as well."

Roxy Jeffery

Enterprise Martech Account Manager in Banking & Insurance, Salesforce

“Arishma is a spectacular storyteller, one which I found myself emerged in “imagine this” throughout the book. The Respected Salesperson teaches you the value of respecting not only each other but ourselves. A journey of learnings, inspiration and realistic changes to boost your sales career."

Sinead Galloway

Customer Success Manager, Experian Asia Pacific

“My favourite excerpt from the book - "Just remember that your thoughts are not you. They’re just something you can work with". As a founder of an early-stage start-up, I could easily resonate with Arishma's book. The book not only details out the techniques to overcome challenges & struggles faced by a sales professional, but it also provides the insights on underlying reasons of these challenges. The book is certainly helpful to anyone struggling to find their place in a professional world."

Saurabh Nagpal

Product Consultant & Founder, FitVidPro

“I have read many sales books over the years but this is different as it not only helps with the ‘what’ but also simple steps of ‘how’ to improve your performance in sales career and in life generally. Arishma is a passionate storyteller, and the book feels like a you are having a conversation with her."

Amrit Sandhu

Account Exec, Salesforce & Founder, Royal Jewels Sydney

"The book served as a good reminder for re-examining my value system and for working out how congruent it was to how I showed up at work.

Unlike the conventional sales methodology books out there, The Respected Salesperson delves into behavioural neuroscience, challenges the reader to self-reflect on how they perceive themselves and understand how these perceptions can project/manifest in a workplace setting. Recommended for anyone in sales, teams that work closely with them or anyone that is into business psychology books."

Travis Ng

Senior Solutions Engineer, Salesforce Marketing Cloud

"Arishma’s book brings a unique, practical, proven and personal approach to success in sales. The focus on self-reflection, focus, emotional intelligence and realisation is refreshing and tangible for readers. A great read for anyone interested in sales or along their sales journey."

Shaun Choo

Enterprise Lead, Experian Targeting

The Respected Salesperson is an intriguing delve into what makes us behave the way we do. It encourages the reader to be open and self-reflective, it not only identifies patterns of ingrained and potentially hindering behaviour but also explores where these behaviours manifested from. Through this explorative and revealing process it provides opportunities for the reader to understand their habits and emotions and ultimately empowers them to change and grow from them. Well written, at times confronting but powerfully insightful and beneficial for salespeople, and indeed, for people in all professions that warrant influencing.

Petar Buza

Operations Manager, Anasazi Trading

"The Respected Salesperson takes a fresh view on the sales role within organisations. Arishma provides useful and meaningful techniques for sales professionals to thrive in their careers. So many sales books are based around methodology, but The Respected Salesperson focuses on mindset and self-respect which is crucial for anyone in sales and across all areas of business. I would recommend reading this book for a refreshing view on selling and how to thrive in the role."

James Cullis

Account Exec UK & EMEA, Atacamma

"This is a must read for anyone in sales. As a sales professional for over 20 years, I feel this book can help you grow beyond what you thought you knew about sales. The book helps you understand what type of salesperson you are and how you can get the maximum of every sales via using your mind and the EFT techniques. I am looking forward to THRIVE with what I’ve learnt."

Tim Pelgrave

Managing Director, Financial Facts

"Gosh, how I wish a book like this existed when I was new to sales! So many sales books on the market focus on the how to-do and not the how to-think. Mindset is a fundamental part of sales success and confidence in the role. I’d recommend this book to any seasoned sales professionals and also anyone starting out their career.”

Shaunna Meneilly

Sales Manager, First AML Australia

"I loved Arishma’s perspectives in support of her EFT and Thrive approaches and her very simple but powerful messages like enjoying the process over just striving for the accomplishment. These insights come from a position of experience, and every salesperson can draw wisdom from the personal stories woven into the fabric of this book. As a huge benefactor and believer of professional and personal development, if you commit to doing the work and exercises outlined in this book, then you will reap the benefits. Congratulations Arishma on a truly authentic and valuable piece of work."

Tony Holmwood

Opinion Columnist - CEO World, regular contributor – the HRDirector, and Author of Best Behaviour, and finalist in 2 categories of the 2019 Australian Business Book Awards.

Small Call to Action Headline

As a high performing sales professional, are you plagued by...

Relentless Rejection?

Extreme Pressure?

Endlessly Chasing?

Overwork and Exhaustion?

Stop / Start Drive?

Stifled Motivation?

Fleeting Success?

Fragile Ego?

“Thank you for the practical tips using tapping points to ‘mind your mind’! Arishma is Open, engaging and warm.”

Jo Reid,

Senior Portfolio Manager, Westpac

“Arishma unpacked the psychology of the mind and its role In our thoughts, habits, values and emotions. She is Energetic, Engaging and a Vibrant Speaker.”

Carla Kuipers, Partnership Manager,

NSW TrainLink

“The demonstration was amazing. I really felt a shift. Arishma is engaging and practical.”

Kim Seeling Smith,

CEO, Ignite Global

“Practical information that was delivered in the most pleasant way. Arishma is relatable, kind and engaging.”

Greg Sellar,

Corporate Trainer, 3SIXTY

“Her acronym for how to THRIVE is awesome and I’ll definitely be using it in 2021. As a speaker, Arishma is warm, compelling, inspiring and inviting.”

Su Temlett,

Learning Consultant, Instructure

“Arishma is Enthusiastic, engaging and interesting. Great presentation with some very interesting content and tips for mindfulness.”

Tina Brown,

Publisher, HK Post

“Brilliant run through of cutting edge neuroscience and techniques to calm the mind and mind your mind. Arishma is fascinating, researched and practical.”

Scott Kay,

Director, Integrity Plus Accounting.

“Looking forward to minding my mind and investing in the EFT techniques and improving my mind. Arishma is calming with a positive attitude.”

Simone Broadhurst,

Project Manager, Arnotts

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